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Mining Companies
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Polymetal is a leading gold and silver mining group, operating in Russia and Kazakhstan. Company’s shares are listed on London and Moscow Stock Exchanges. Polymetal is a constituent of FTSE 250, FTSE Gold mines, STOXX 600 indexes.
Red Dog Operations is an open-pit truck-and-loader operation, using conventional drill and blast mining methods. Our mineral processing facilities use conventional grinding and sulfide flotation methods to produce zinc and lead concentrates.
Rio Tinto is a leading global mining and metals company. Our focus is on finding, mining and processing the Earth's mineral resources in order to maximise value for our shareholders.
Sabina Gold & Silver Corp., a junior exploration company, focuses on the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral resource properties in Canada.
On July 15, 2013 Copper Fox Metals Inc. (the 'Company' or 'Copper Fox') formed a joint venture with Teck Resources Limited ('Teck') to further explore and develop the Schaft Creek project located in northwestern British Columbia, Canada.
Sierra Metals Inc. (formerly Dia Bras Exploration Inc.) is a premier Latin American precious and base metals producer. The Company owns and operates three mines in commercial production: the Yauricocha mine in Peru, the Bolivar and Cusi mines in Mexico.
he Sierrita mine is a porphyry copper deposit that has oxide and secondary sulfide mineralization, and primary sulfide mineralization. The predominant oxide copper minerals are malachite, azurite and chrysocolla. Chalcocite is the most important secondary copper sulfide mineral, and chalcopyrite and molybdenite are the dominant primary...
Silvercorp is a low-cost silver-producing Canadian mining company with multiple mines in China which has paid a cash dividend since 2007. The Company is currently developing the GC project in southern China which it expects will become its next operating mine.
SilverCrest Mines Inc. (TSX‐V: SVL; NYSE MKT: SVLC) is a Canadian precious metals producer headquartered in Vancouver, BC. SilverCrest’s flagship property is the 100%‐owned Santa Elena Mine, located 150 km northeast of Hermosillo, near Banamichi in the State of Sonora, México. The mine is a high‐grade, epithermal silver and gold...
The Spring Creek Mine is located in Montana approximately 35 miles north of Sheridan, Wyoming. The mine extracts thermal coal from the Anderson-Dietz Seam, which averages approximately 80 feet in thickness.